
Monday, March 28, 2011

A Visual Blog Journey you might not have thought of doing.

Even Dr. Evil missed this one.

Most of the bloggers that I am familiar with do use analytic tools to check on their blogs progress. Tools like Site Meter, MyBlogLog, Facebook, and Twitter just to mention a few. I'm not sure how many bloggers have thought of this idea, but I found it quite cool to do once in a while. Using Google, Bing or Yahoo image searches simply enter the name portion of your blog url as a search parameter. To clarify, I mean the portion of your blog url between the http:// and the (or what ever blog flavour you use). What you do end up with is a nice pictorial representation of your blog, but you get even more than that. You also get pictures from other bloggers that have referred to your blog in some way. Here's a screen shot of what I mean: (click for larger view)

If you really want a relly nice 3D wall to view the results, try using Cooliris:

The nice thing about doing this is that you see a full snapshot of your own blog, and as you scroll through the results you will see pictures that you swear you didn't post. Someone did post a picture and either backlinked or refered somewhere in their post something about your blog. It may even be from a blogger that you were completely unaware of and never saw their post because they didn't comment on your blog about it, or for some other reason.

I just thought I would share this little idea with everyone, because it's a nice little blog trip down memory lane for yourself.  You might even be surprised to see new-to-you bloggers that you may have been completely unaware that they read your blog--let alone post something about your blog.

Another fun thing to do with google images is to enter the names of your favourite blog reads. Again it may be a trip down memory lane for you, and you might reread a few of your favorite posts that you may have forgotten about. You may also discover how your own blog has impacted some of your favourite blogs as well.
With Google, we're all interconnected.

1 comment:

Sandee said...

That was really cool. I had never thought of doing that. Well until now. Thanks.

Have a terrific day. :)

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